Create and Publish Branded Links on Auto-Pilot 24-7
using our Powerful RSS Technology!

Publishing branded content 24 hours a day offers you the ability to publish branded links to all your Social Media channels on Auto-Pilot

Zubbit has built-in RSS (Rich Site Summary) technology that lets you plug in one or more RSS Feeds which are read and for each post within the feed will create either a new Branded Short Link or a Branded Call-to-Action Link which then points to the URL of that post.
RSS Feeds are a standardized way for a website to publish what content it has on its website and are used by mostly all content publishing websites.
To achieve automation you simply hook up your new Zubbit RSS Feed Link into an auto-posting software like Hootsuite or Buffer which then allows you to create automated channels of content posting 24-7 either with Branded Call-to-Action Adverts and/or with just Retargeting Pixels.

How does it work?
Achieve automation in three easy steps
Search For Websites Containing Content
Give Zubbit the RSS Feeds of the websites that have the content that you would like to share to your Social Media channels.
Zubbit Generates New RSS Feeds
New RSS Feeds are generated for each website’s content and replaces the links to the content with either a Short Link or a Call-to-Action Link with or without Retargeting Pixels.
Connect RSS Feeds to Auto-Posting Software
Hook up your RSS Feeds which Zubbit generated to your chosen auto-posting software and share from the RSS Feed as you would do from any other feed.