What is Link Swapping?
Link Swapping is one of the most important features of a good URL shortener.
So What is Then?
Well, let’s say you create a link and share it across multiple channels and then one day in the future you need to change the page your link points to? What do you do? Well, most services don’t let you change it so that leaves you in trouble.
But all is not lost as services like Zubbit will let you change the URL destination of any link you’ve created and shared and it will just take you seconds to change the destination and all those links you’ve shared automatically switch over to the new destination, just like magic.
So for instance on my Twitter profile, I use a custom Zubbit Short Link, my Twitter profile which currently points to my LinkedIn profile but if I wanted to change that to point to my website or a special offer then I can use Zubbit to change the destination URL not only on my Twitter profile but everywhere else I’ve shared this link.
I’ve also done it on my Instagram profile and many more places, and if I ever want or need to change the destination URL, I can do it in seconds using zubbit’s powerful Link Swapping functionality. How good is that?
Also think how much time that will save you if you’ve got dozens or even hundreds of the same links all over the web.
Are you an Affiliate Marketer?
If you are an affiliate marketer this is where Link Swapping really does save your bacon over and over.
How many times have you had hundreds of affiliate links published out there only to find that the affiliate company changes the URL or switches the offer? What happens? yes, all your links go dead.
So now with Zubbit’s Link Swapping functionality, you can switch those hundreds or even thousands of links over in one click to a brand new destination URL. It’s so powerful.
Final Thoughts
So if you are looking at Link Shorteners then certainly make sure it has Link Swapping functions or check out Zubbit as we’ve got it!